StringArt |
Overview |
StringArt (or Curve Stitching), lets you easily create traditional String Art images without the traditional pain. It works out all of the math for you so you can concentrate on creativity. You can also go a giant step further by using a gradient to colorize each line in the string art with a different color. See the screenshots. There are thousands of variations, some of which use Cycloids, an Impossible Penrose Triangle, cool arrows, DreamCatchers, pinwheels, petals, and even some fractal fun. Plus a lot more. With our full-featured gradient composer you can create gradients with unlimited complexity. |
Quick Start Guide |
Getting StartedWhen you launch the StringArt application, you will typically see the current stringArt graphic and the editing controls like in the following screenshot.
TypesStringArt graphics are categorized by Type and possibly Subtype. There are currently 28 different Types of StringArt graphics. To change the Type, click on the Type button on the far-left of the Toolbar at the bottom of the iPad. That will present the Type Popover where you just tap on one of the buttons to change the Type.
SubtypesIf the StringArt Type that you chose, has a Subtype, then the Subtype Button in the toolbar (the White Arrow that points rightwards, also know as the Play Button) will become enabled and you can choose a Subtype by tapping it. As you can see in the screenshot below, the Triads Type has 3 Subtypes.
EditingThe Editing Controls can be shown or hidden by clicking the Edit button on the left side of the Toolbar. The controls that are visible will depend on which Type of StringArt you have chosen. (We hide the ones that aren't applicable to the current Type, so they don't get in the way.) HINT: Each of the icons in the Editing view will allow you to increment the current value by a small amount, which is usually 1.0. This is useful for fine-tuning a value when the slider increments values by more than 1.0. Here's the Edit View with all of the possible controls. Below, there are explanations for each one, starting at the top-left and proceeding downwards, then we do the second column.
The Line Count Slider controls how many lines are in the StringArt, or in some cases, how many lines are in a Wedge of the StringArt.
The Line Offset Slider controls how many segments to offset the connecting lines from the standard value. The offset moves in a counterclockwise direction.
The Wedge Count Slider controls how many wedges are in certain types of StringArts, such as the Rose or Triads etc.
The Wedge Offset Slider controls how many wedges to offset, starting at zero degrees (3:00 O'Clock) and moving counterclockwise.
The Rotation Slider controls the internal rotation calculations of some StringArt types, starting at zero degrees (3:00 O'Clock) and moving counterclockwise. NOTE: This is not an absolute rotation of the entire StringArt. To rotate the entire StringArt, use a 2-Finger Rotation Gesture on the actual StringArt in the Viewer.
The Distance Slider controls a distance value in certain types of StringArts, such as some Cycloids.
The Radius Slider controls an inset distance value in certain types of StringArts, such as stars.
The Reset Button changes the position, size and rotation of the StringArt in the Viewer to the default values.
The P Button presents the P Popover, to change the numerator of the P/Q quotient in Cycloid calculations. When P changes, the options and icons in the Q Popover change too.
The Q Button presents the Q Popover, to change the denominator of the P/Q quotient in Cycloid calculations.
The ABC Segmented Control selects a subtype for some Cycloid StringArts. |
Stroke, Colors and GradientsTap the Stroke Button on the left side of the Toolbar at the bottom of the iPad to present the Stroke Popover. From there you can control the thickness of the lines in your StringArt, the color of the lines, and whether to color the lines with a single color or from a gradient. You can also access the GradientMaker Popover to create a custom gradient or you can choose a built-in gradient from the Gradient Picker. Some StringArts have a Fill Color and an ability to create interesting effects by changing the Winding Rule to Even-Odd. Tap on any of the Stroke, Fill or Canvas ColorWells to present the Colors Popover.
Colors Popover (RGBA HSB View)
Colors Popover (Ring View)
GradientMaker Popover
In the GradientMaker screenshot up above, notice the ColorWell on the far right. It has a red color with a thick white border. This is the color of the currently selected ColorStop in the gradient. When you tap on the ColorWell, it presents the Colors Popover. The Colors Popover gives you fine-grained control for selecting a color. Alternatively, you can select colors directly in the GradientMaker by tapping or dragging in the rainbow or grayscale gradients at the bottom of the GradientMaker. To change the location of a particular color just drag the ColorStop. To add a ColorStop to the gradient, tap the tap the White Plus Sign in a White Circle button to the LEFT of the ColorStop Bar. Drag the slider to increase the Repeat Count of the gradient. When the Repeat Count of the gradient is larger than one, the Mirror Toggle button will cause the even numbered repeats of the gradient to be added in reverse order. Use the Distribute button to evenly distribute the colorStops within the gradient. Use the Reverse ColorStops button to flip the order of the colorStops. (1,2,3,4,5) becomes (5,4,3,2,1). To save the current gradient to the Gradient Library, tap the White Plus Sign in a White Circle button at the BOTTOM-RIGHT of the Popover. LibraryThe Library is where you store StringArts that you create and then of course choose any StringArt from the Library to load into the app. To show the Library, just tap the Library Button in the far-right of the Toolbar. Then flick a StringArt into view in the scroller and tap to select a StringArt. The selected StringArt will show a red border. To add a StringArt to the Library, just tap the Add Button (the one with the white 'Plus Sign') in the far-right of the Toolbar at the bottom of the iPad. (NOTE: The Library Popover doesn't have to be visible to add a StringArt, although it can be.)
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